Keep Feed in Sync with Current State

There are times when you will want every import in WP RSS Aggregator to re-fetch all the content you have already imported. This will replace the existing imported content with that which is now available in the RSS feed. 

For example, if your source updates their existing content every hour or every day, you would want to use this.

IMPORTANT: This filter will delete all imported content for the source and import the RSS feed content from scratch. That means that if a post you had previously imported is no longer available in the RSS feed, it will not be re-imported. It will be gone forever
add_action( 'wprss_fetch_single_feed_hook', 'wprss_delete_feed_items_of_feed_source', 9 );

How do I add this to my site?

Follow the step-by-step instructions below to add this filter to your WordPress site.

  1. Copy the code you need from above.
  2. Go to your WordPress site's dashboard.
  3. Go to Plugins > Add New.
  4. Search for Code Snippets, then install and activate the plugin.
  5. Once installed and activated, go to Snippets in your dashboard menu.
  6. Click on Add New.
  7. Add a Title, which could be the title of this article.
  8. Paste the code you copied in step 1 to the Code section.
  9. Add a Description or Tags if you wish to do so. It is not required.
  10. Click on Save Changes and Activate to save the filter and activate it.
    1. Or click on Save Changes to save the filter and activate it later.
  11. Your action or filter is now stored and active on your site.

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